FMC Procedural Trainer & CDU Device
We are justly proud of our Flight Management Computer Procedural Trainer and standalone-FMC/CDU training devices, which utilise our industry-leading Aviate Training Technologies 737NG software.
These FMC devices will allow your students to learn and practice programming for all pre-flight preparation and in-flight functions without incurring Level D Simulator charges and wasting precious time slots.
Simulated Environment for Realistic ATC
The Procedural Trainers are available with the ground-breaking Simulated Environment for Realistic ATC (SERA) speech recognition technology from our partners at ASTi.
Software Commonality
Commonality of software across all of our products will accelerate learning and allow our students to become proficient with all functions of the CDU, preparing them for the next stage of training.
This maximizes their potential as capacity and situational awareness is significantly and rapidly advanced.
Our complete product range from standalone FMC/CDU hardware to the unique FMC Procedural Trainer will introduce crews to FMC programming at the earliest opportunity.